Thursday, June 28, 2012

Save Advertising Money and Gain Integrity by Writing Articles for Insurance Industry Journals

Would you rather have three seconds of an insurance prospect's attention, or 15 minutes of his devoted attention? Of course, all of us would opt for the 15 minutes. That time is the difference between scanning an ad and reading an article in a business journal.

When a prospect sees an ad, he scans the headline. If it interests him, he might read further. Each ad typically receives about three seconds of attention, sometimes less. However, informational articles that pertain to your prospect usually get 15 minutes of his attention. The question is, who is writing these articles? Well, you should be.

Tricks of the trade

Most business owners and operators subscribe to a variety of trade publications. You might even be advertising in some of them. But, have you ever thought about submitting an article to one? Many trade journals accept articles from industry experts. Publishing articles is a great way to establish yourself as an expert and gain publicity for your company.

Why published articles work

While most of us are skeptical of advertising, we often trust that what is printed in a trade journal article is mostly, if not entirely, the truth. Although readers may not believe what is stated in an ad, they are more apt to read and think about what you have to say in an article, and credibility is everything. Many of my clients have told me that they receive higher lead generations through articles than advertisements.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Can You Afford to Get Married Without It?

Is wedding insurance a worthwhile product or is it just another expense to add to the list? Well, as a newly wed here is my first piece of advice for those who have decided to take that stroll down the aisle. Within reason don't think about the expense, this is a once in a lifetime (hopefully!) occasion, the happiest day of your life and the memories that you make on this magical day are memories that will last you a lifetime.

The second piece of advice is for crying out loud get yourself insured!

The average wedding in the UK is now apparently £17,000 you can pick up a fairly robust premium for a cost starting at around just £30. This ladies and gentlemen really is a complete 'no-brainer'

Set a date, make the necessary bookings, arrange your wedding insurance cover and then start paying your deposits.

Get it done early and it is one less worry. Trust me there will be plenty of other things to worry about during the build up and on the day!

Even if you are thinking of not spending quite so much then a specialist wedding policy is still worth very serious consideration - you may be planning a small, intimate affair, but it is probably fair to assume that you will be buying some of the most expensive dresses, outfits and meals you have ever bought.

However, as with any form of insurance it is important to understand what your existing exposure to risk is before purchasing additional cover. One suggestion is that to make payments on credit card where possible (although always make sure you can clear the balance immediately). Any payment between £100 and £30,000 can be claimed back through section 75 of the Consumer Credit Act if there is a problem with goods or services.